Re: Gimp-style menus

mbabcock fibrespeed net (2001-04-16 at 0130.12 -0400):
> > Wrong, you have not used Gimp enough. Open the menus and keep them
> > open, like with Window Maker. OOOhhh! Now you do not need to navigate
> > menus again and again.
> The problem with this response is that it does not include why the full
> menus need to be tied to the context drop-down (the actual question at
> hand).

With few exceptions, like Dialog or Tools menus, most of the actions
are "in this image, do this". Gimp can do lots of things with your
images, it is not Painbrush, and it shows.

Some things, like Logos, are not in the image menu, and others are
duplicated (speed?), like the Dialogs entry, cos they are not related
to one image, but general things or methods to create new images.

His problem was about PS way of work in Gimp, but you are right, the
main theme is the menu per se.

So keeping with it, I normally open more than one image at a time. If
the menu is local to each image, I get one menu per image, do not I?
If I detach one, what happens with the others? Do I have to keep track
of the parent - children relation in a per image basis? Do all auto
tear off? Do they follow same on screen position? Do they auto hide?

If the system is changed to per window menu, there are other problems
too so, ideas? One is to have a bigger toolbox and put all menus in it
(probably making focus follow mouse a pain :[ ).


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