Re: First UI component needing replacement.

"Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero" wrote:
> (2000-08-12 at 2012.16 -0600):
> > Based on your reasoning, I would be willing to accept OK/CANCEL on a top
> OK is bad. OK what? ;] Use verbs better, like Save or Delete (another
> Macism? Maybe). That way users can ignore the text after some uses,
> and those that never read text, will get exactly what they want,
> without surprises (old example and jokes about negative and positive
> question, keep file? delete file? yes/no vs keep|delete/cancel).

Yes.  When used in save mode, it should be  "Save to this directory" or
"Cancel," when used in browse mode it should be "Open this file" or
"Cancel"  .. 
> BTW, about the accelerators... I found a bug, a serious one. Who tied
> Esc to Yes in the Log out dialog? I tried to test some dialogs, and I
> killed my X session. Esc should be tied to No (Escape == do not do),
> Enter to Yes (Enter == do). And maybe use different words, not Yes and
> No. I will report the bug ASAP (Esc as Abandon ship? Argh!).

Hmm.. that's evil.  :-)
> > level dialog.  Thank you for giving a reason, instead of "Just because
> > others do it that way" ...  As long as we can enforce a strong separation
> Things must be reasoned, otherwise they are just words, IMO.

This is precisely why I posted my reasoning here..  We will hopefully get a
good, logical discussion, rather than copying the mistakes of past

-- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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