Re: Attempt to sum things up.

Preben Randhol wrote:
> * Marko.Macek@snet.fri.uni-lj.s
> |
> | > [X] There should be a Main menu in addition to File.
> |
> | Definately not. In my opinion this will lead to application
> | centric desktop which is not a good idea for a modern desktop.
> | We should think of an application as a tool to manipulate
> | documents/objects.
> Hmm, do you have any links that explain the document approach and its
> advantages other than the proposal at the Gnome site. I'm not too
> thrilled about this document interface as I see more restrictions than
> advantages at the moment.

i thought document-centric interface design was a good idea the first
time i saw opendoc, and still do, but i don't think that means to hang
the application menu. adding "plugins" to the document interface could
just as easily add a new tab/treebranch to the "configure" choice in the
application menu, and of course, the application menu would provide the
perfect launchpad from which to add and delete individual components of
the document-authoring kit.

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