Re: Attempt to sum things up.

On 8 Jul 1998, Preben Randhol wrote:

> Please fill out the below with either
> [ ] = Agree, [X] = Disagree or [D] = Don't know
> [ ] Help menu should be left-justified and the last (rightmost) item.
> [D] There should be a rootmenu.
> [ ] Menu and keybindings should be configurable.
> [ ] Menus should be tear off.
> [X] There should be a Main menu in addition to File.
> [ ] App and document settings should be separated.
> [ ] Configuration should use tree structure as seen in Netscape

	The root menu should be decided on an app-by-app basis.  For
example, ee and gimp and EWAN for Windows all use a root menu which is the
application menu.  This turns out to be a bad idea.  Common functions
should be listed in the root menu -- with some common submenus.  But this
won't work for all applications.  (I can't think of any at the moment.)
However, certain WIDGETS should have root menus.  For example, the text
entry dialog box should have copy,cut,paste,spell check, etc.  

	There should not be a main menu in addition to file, although the
File menu doesn't need to be called File if there is a more appropriate


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Benjamin Kahn                        /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'
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 If you love something, write it in C; if it compiles, it is yours; 
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