A letter for Frederico, and others..


A) Thank you for putting your foot down, finally. There was alot of talk
   of -resignations- , privately among the UISG maintainers for the past
   day and a half or so, unless something was done to regain focus here.
   I agree with your announcement -- There has to be ONE project that the
   focus for everyones development has to be directed to, and i'm glad to
   see you've decided to form the head of the beast on this. It should be
   obvious to pretty much everyone right now that development of two
   concurrent projects is impossible within the confines of one mailing

B) Before you decide on the *form* of the master document (Right now,
   based on goofy hybrid between The Mac HIG & RSG documents), hang around
   and have a look at the Revision 0 document that the UISG maintainers
   have been chiseling out for release on Saturday. I think your choice
   of form was a little premature -- Youre assuming we have nothing
   to show for our work. Just because you cant see it doesn't mean
   aint there. :)

   I personally dont have a problem with where your foot landed on this
   issue, but I do have some rather grave concerns regarding the level
   of consistancy youre going to achieve by producing a hybridized 
   document of this nature. I'll hold of detailing those concerns until
   after you've had a chance to look at Revision 0 on Saturday.


| Bowie J. Poag  bjp@primenet.com  http://www.nubox.dyn.ml.org |
| Sand and grit in a concrete base.                            |

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