Re: COMMENTARY: The War, or Has Anyone Actually Read ESR?

> To repeat:
> > > Okay.  Start by giving some specific examples on how adding ideas
> > > from the RSG into the UISG would create inconsistencies.  I've
> > > already conceded that the format & compliancy scheme don't
> > > match.  Do you have any other issues?
>                             ^^^^^
> Bowie, I specifically asked for examples NOT INCLUDING the
> compliancy levels, which everyone is aware of by now. 
> Unfortunately, this seems to be your entire response.  Do you
> have any other--repeat OTHER--issues with the integrations of the
> RSG into the UISG?  If you have no other issues, then we should
> begin the integration process immediately.
> John

Woops.. My mistake. I didnt catch that line the first time around.

Here's basically whats up:

The past day or so has been spent (on my side, and Dan's side) culling
whatever extratable nuggets of wisdom we can out of the RSG for inclusion
into the UISG. This process has been completed on my end; There is nothing
left in the currest RSG which can be extracted for inclusion into Revision
0, due out Saturday.

The RSG and UISG are totally incompatible, due to Tom's decision as to how
to go about forming the backbone of the document. Mist of the items listed
within it have strings attached -- They hinge on other elements which
cannot appropriately be integrated into the UISG.

So, this leaves us with two options. Tom reforms the backbone of the RSG
(unikely, i'd imagine), or the projects remain separate, but similar in
content -- far from being identical in content.


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