Re: Menu Ideas


On Mon, Aug 03, 1998 at 08:02:48PM -0500, John R Sheets wrote:
> sun wrote:
> > i cast my vote for the document/file/picture menu. "print picture" makes
> > a complete, clear sentence and therefore makes logical sense.
> Me too.  I like the idea that menu selections should make simple, intuitive,
> real-language statements.  Of course, the problem with this is that it requires
> all top-level menus to be verbs, and all submenus to be nouns.

Have to agree on this one too. It is nice if you're used to the File menu
thing... but to a naive user this setup might be more intuitive. A user
that already knows about File will get used to the differently named second
menu soon enough. (I think, some testing might indeed be in order...)

> I would be happy with the Program/foot/tmfkap menu being the only explicitly-named
> menu for GNOME (depending on whether we put Help in the foot too, or keep it out
> as a discrete menu).

I think the extra help menu might be the better one.

> The second menu would always be named after the primary
> function of the app...File/Game/Document/Sound/Session/Image...  I dunno, whatever
> works.  The contents of this second menu would be heavily regulated, and would
> always include the Open & Close items, plus most of the standard items normally
> associated with the File menu.  Consistency would be critical for that second
> menu.  For example:


Another thought about the tmfkap/Gnome menu.. If it gets decided that it
should become text. Is it maybe a good idea to use the Application name as
the menu title? (Caveats long application names etc..)

- Ric Klaren - ------- --------------
'And this 'rebooting' business? Give it a good kicking, do you?' 'Oh, no,
 of course, we ... that is ... well, yes, in fact,' said Ponder. 'Adrian
   goes round the back and ... er ... prods it with his foot. But in a
    technical way,' he added. --- From: Hogfather by Terry Pratchett.

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