Menu Ideas

sun wrote:

> i cast my vote for the document/file/picture menu. "print picture" makes
> a complete, clear sentence and therefore makes logical sense.

Me too.  I like the idea that menu selections should make simple, intuitive,
real-language statements.  Of course, the problem with this is that it requires
all top-level menus to be verbs, and all submenus to be nouns.

I would be happy with the Program/foot/tmfkap menu being the only explicitly-named
menu for GNOME (depending on whether we put Help in the foot too, or keep it out
as a discrete menu).  The second menu would always be named after the primary
function of the app...File/Game/Document/Sound/Session/Image...  I dunno, whatever
works.  The contents of this second menu would be heavily regulated, and would
always include the Open & Close items, plus most of the standard items normally
associated with the File menu.  Consistency would be critical for that second
menu.  For example:

[Foot] File Help

[Foot] Game Scores Help

[Foot] Document Edit Format Print Help

[Foot] Project Edit Tools View Help

Just brainstorming...

Print normally wouldn't qualify for a full menu heading unless the Print
functionality was a major component of the app (like with a word processor).

Whadda y'all think?  Thoughts?  Oppressions?  Suggestions?


P.S.--sun, I missed it...where did you get "tmfkap"?

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