Re: RSG, draft three

Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
> For example, if I hit control C, and whatever text is selected isn't copied
> into the clipboard, I consider that a *BUG*.  I don't care what the
> programmer says, all I care about is THATS A BUG AND I WANT IT GONE.  By
> extension, I think that any File menu that doesn't include an Exit option
> will be considered wrong by the user.  The user will see this as a bug,
> complain, bitch, and then return to his comfortable monopoly.

the last point: do you KNOW that (how?) or are you ASSUMING? remember the
interface hall of shame quote.

what will a user really react like if he's confronted with a menu working in
 the proposed way? he will be (more or less) surprised, I think we can
safely say that, because it's different from what he was used to (if he was
used to anything. if not he'll be surprise by everything :) ).
however, he just moved to a different gui. he EXPECTS differences.

I think these two are the only points we can safely state. everything else
is pure guesswork.
someone code a sample gnome app with the proposed interface and throw it at
some users. I see no good in talking about theoretically possible confusion
and then finding out that after a second  of wonder, 93.75% of users
immediatly find and like the new location. or not, but field-research is the
only way to find out.

so let's stop guessing wildely.

> C3 stuff, in my mind:
you don't have to use "in my mind". there are examples right in that
document, a bit further down. :)

The universe does not have laws -- it has habits, and habits can be broken.

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