Re: Experimental Suggestion: Collaborative UI?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Vogt <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, August 02, 1998 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: Experimental Suggestion: Collaborative UI?

>Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
>> >is this really a gnome thing? strikes as being more in the area of X
>> itself.
>> I define X as a non-interface.  I define GNOME as a fully developed
>> graphical user interface extensible enough for other applications("window
>> managers") to redefine some or all of the visual experience while
>> as much or as little original functionality as they desire.
>but to implement this, you would have to go down to the X protocol level,
>I agree that these things would be nice to have, but I really think we left
>the realm of gnome here.

Suggesting that part of the UI should be simple colaborative abilities is
something that I think is very good.  Think of how much easier it would make
linux support if it was brain-dead simple for a user to recieve training
from afar without having to hunt down some appropriate app?  If anything, a
quick patch to VNC to make it single app capable would work here.

This is a *doable* thing--I agree we shouldn't request the impossible, but
gnome-dev *should* recieve coding challenges from us.

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