Re: The Help Menu

Tom Vogt writes:
 > Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
 > > Lets trash the idea of abbreviations.  That's just BAD.
 > you mind if I wait for more  people to speak  their mind? I HAVE noted that
 > you and bowie don't like the short version. it's just that I would like to
 > hear more people say something.

In that case, let me drop out of lurk mode to say that I think that
abbreviations *in general* need to be avoided. Specific instances may
justify themselves, but the justification presented thus far for
'Prog' is pretty weak. Not to mention that 'Prog', IMHO, sounds very
Mickey Mouse.

Personally, I like the idea of the footprint menu despite the fact
that it seems to be, as (IIRC Gleef) pointed out, an HCI nightmare.
This topic would have made a great project for my HCI class last

Now, back to lurking. :)


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