[gnome-flashback] Using CLion IDE with gnome-panel

Hi everyone,

I don't know what IDEs people on this mailing list are using (Anjuta? Gedit? Geany? Gnome-Builder? Vim? KDevelop?) or if anybody except Alberts is even looking at the flashback source on a regular basis.

I just wanted to share my experience, maybe some of you find it helpful.

Personally I use CLion [1] since a while and I am very happy with it. Mainly because it is able to import the project as a whole and it supports auto-complete and I can quickly navigate from a functions use to its definition. Those are two features that are not available on most other IDEs that I have tried so far. And in my oppinion CLion currently has the best autocomplete feature that is currently available for C/C++ IDEs, so this is the main reason for me to use it.

The problem is that CLion requires a CMake based build system in order to import a project. So if anyone besides me is interested to use CLion to hack on flashback **I am sharing my CMakeLists.txt for gnome-panel**. I plan to create another one for metacity, gnome-applets and gnome-flashback eventually. Note that its not a replacement for the automake build system, it is just barely enough to import gnome-panel into CLion and have it parse all the symbols so that autocomplete is available. Just drop it into the gnome-panel root and open it with CLion.

Note however, that the IDE is proprietary. There are free licences available for opensource projects, so I guess we could get one if we asked nicely. If you are a student you can also get a free licence.

I guess in the long run Gnome-Builder might be a good open source replacement for CLion but at least right now its autocomplete feature is only experimental and seems to crash alot.

[1] http://www.jetbrains.com/clion/

Attachment: CMakeLists.txt
Description: Text document

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