Re: [gnome-flashback] Indicator Applet

Hi Dmitry,

On 02/06/15 21:58, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
Hi Lanoxx,

indicator-applet itself doesn't use that function, are you trying to
build some dependency of it maybe? (libido?)

Also, the official tarballs are terribly outdated, to build anything
from Canonical you need to use bzr snapshots.
I was trying to build indicator-applet (from bzr -- i rarely use tarbals) with jhbuild on an Ubuntu LTS 14.04 with Gnome 3.16 target. The problem as I see it is this:

 * indicator-applet uses libido
 * libido requires GTK+

I did not build libido with jhbuild but just installed the -dev source with apt. Now when jhbuild tried to link indicator-applet it complained that the above function was not available (in libido? not sure anymore). So I tried to build lastest libido from bzr, but that had its own problem, because libido requires a patched GTK+ but I had build the vanilla GTK+ from jhbuild.

In the end I gave up and wrote that mail to you. The result right now is, that in my jhbuild session I can test the latest version of gnome-flashback but I do not have indicator-applet available and I would like to use it.
In Ubuntu lots of apps (and even some toolkits) are patched to use
indicators. I doubt you will be able to achieve the same effect in
other distribution.

It doesn't make sense to merge indicator-applet into gnome-applets, as
it depends on some third-party libraries anyway (so having it in a
separate source is fine).

I think that if we really want to reimplement the tray, we should use
the StatusNotifier specifications (which are less hacky, more
standardized and give us more power). But see Alberts' comments about
them on this list...

  * Have you ever build indicator-applet with jhbuild and do you know which
patches I need to apply in order to build it?
No, I don't think anyone has worked on adopting the latest versions to
be built outside Ubuntu.
Well, this is tricky... technically I am on Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) not "outside Ubuntu", but then again I am building with jhbuild so everything that is build with jhbuild is lacking the Ubuntu specific patches. So what do you recommend to do if I want to test the latest flashback but at the sametime use the Ubuntu specific parts such as indicator-applets?
Dmitry Shachnev
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