Re: [gnome-flashback] Menus/Menubars are messed up in flashback session on Ubuntu Utopic


On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Khurshid Alam
<khurshid alam linuxmail org> wrote:
3. Apps with gtk-headerbar (not directly patched by Ubuntu):
gnome log file viewer (3.9.90), gnome-tweak-tool etc.

They have duplicate menus; gnome-shell app-menu on headerbar & the same
app-menu on ubuntu's menubar

Unity doesn't have the shell app-menu on headerbar, & have the other menu on
the unity-panel.
In flashback, adding indicator-applet-appmenu moves ubuntu's menubar to
panel but shell app-menu remains on headerbar. (I can not reproduce this
behavior in Trusty).
Do you have “appmenu” in the output of below command?
gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout

4. Apps for which indicator-applet-appmenu is not working(*but works on

nautilus(3.10.1) (it appears fine, as it uses gear menu when NOT using
gnome-terminal (3.6.2)
gedit (3.10.4)
totem (3.10.1)
transmission (2.8.x)
palimpsest (3.10)
eog (3.12.2)

I can reproduce it with Gedit, but not with Nautilus or gnome-terminal.

So far I do not know the cause of this bug, but I hope I will have
more time to debug this during next week.

Dmitry Shachnev

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