Re: [gnome-flashback] New branch 'gnome-applets'

> 1. I have added all applets from gnome-applets package.
NAK on this step, or rather, the way that the "gnome-applets" branch was
created. This would loose all the history of the applets themselves.
Better to merge in the gnome-applets master branch, with a subtree
strategy or similar.

I've quickly redone this the "more correct" way in the
"features/merge-gnome-applets" branch. Could you have a look at this,
and replay your work on top of it (like merging the AUTHORS file etc.) ?
Much appreciated, that you.

I don't get what exactly is wrong with my branch...

My branch log: (-4666/+689381)

Your branch log: (-2/+722195)

1. In both cases there are no history for applets. Or do you speak about changelog files?
2. What was point of copying HACKING, NEWS, other files too?
3. Why would I do exactly same work again?

I manually copied translations from gnome-applets po files in gnome-panel po files. Then spend some time to find way how to remove duplicates. Each applet makefile was updated to make applets compile. And probably something else too.

If someone need history of gnome-applets than he could go to and get it.

My branch contains extra work so it compiles and are in working state where yours are just simply everything copied into applets dir.

P.S. What is NAK?

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