Re: [gnome-flashback] GNOME 3.12


I couldn't a raw dbus call to work for me I'm afraid. I'll look into this further.

The gnome-settings-daemon-compat package we have in Arch provides a few of the old gnome fallback helpers from gsd 3.6.

To my point about nm-applet and gnome-screensaver. As far as I can tell, the problem is not with those components but with the new gnome-session itself. Nothing seems to be getting autostarted. If I run nm-applet in a terminal then the applet will appear and if I run gnome-screensaver then the lock screen button in the user menu will work so it is clearly autostarting in general that is the problem. The lockscreen keyboard shortcuts still won't work whatever I do..

The session crashes have something to do with nm-applet and notification-daemon. Normally when I connect to a wifi network a notification pops up saying that it successfully connected or something like that. With flashback on 3.12 the notification takes about 2 minutes to appear (much longer than normal) and upon appearance of the notification the session crashes. The problem isn't with all notifications. I can run a command like notify-send "Test" without causing a crash so the problem seems to be nm-applet related.

I'm rather busy atm but I'll try and get round to creating a stack trace.


On 16/04/14 08:47, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
Hi Charles,

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 4:08 AM, Charles Bos <charlesbos1 gmail com> wrote:
Hello all,

GNOME 3.12 has hit Arch and I've tested flashback with it. These are the
issues I've encountered so far.

Old issues (Issues with 3.10)
* no cursor unless the org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active is
set to false
* log off and power buttons do nothing
Does raw D-Bus call to org.gnome.SessionManager (which we are using)
work for you? Something like:

dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.gnome.SessionManager
/org/gnome/SessionManager org.gnome.SessionManager.Logout

New issues (Issues with 3.12)
* impossible to set the background, it just stays a flat grey colour (that's
with the background helper - provided in Arch by
gnome-settings-daemon-compat - installed)
What does that package provide? Is that a fork of some old g-s-d
version (like one we have in Ubuntu)?

* lock screen button in the user menu does nothing (likewise, Ctrl+Alt+l and
Super+l do nothing even when gnome-screensaver is installed)
* network-manager-applet isn't autostarted
This should not be an issue with nm-applet ≥

* session crashes every two minutes (literally). I haven't got to the bottom
of that one yet.
Yeah, a stack trace will be helpful.

I currently maintain the gnome-panel package in the AUR. If there's an Arch
user around who has some fixes and wants me to disown I'm perfectly happy to
do so.
Dmitry Shachnev
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