[gnome-flashback] GNOME 3.12

Hello all,

GNOME 3.12 has hit Arch and I've tested flashback with it. These are the issues I've encountered so far.

Old issues (Issues with 3.10)
* no cursor unless the org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active is set to false
* log off and power buttons do nothing

New issues (Issues with 3.12)
* impossible to set the background, it just stays a flat grey colour (that's with the background helper - provided in Arch by gnome-settings-daemon-compat - installed)
* lock screen button in the user menu does nothing (likewise, Ctrl+Alt+l and Super+l do nothing even when gnome-screensaver is installed
* network-manager-applet isn't autostarted
* session crashes every two minutes (literally). I haven't got to the bottom of that one yet.

I currently maintain the gnome-panel package in the AUR. If there's an Arch user around who has some fixes and wants me to disown I'm perfectly happy to do so.


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