Re: Change .page, see result

Hi Hannie,

On Tue, 2017-12-05 at 17:37 +0100, Hannie Dumoleyn wrote:
Op 05-12-17 om 12:24 schreef Ekaterina Gerasimova:

What will happen if I commit/push the branch with the changed
.page files I
am happy with. Will they be added to gnome-user-docs (patches?).
So far, I
have only pushed the branch with changes to the nl.po file.

That is what will happen.

As this would be your first docs contribution, it would be better
you could push a branch for review or attach a patch to Bugzilla.

Generally, after seeing a few good patches and when I'm sure that
you're not breaking the build, I am likely to suggest that you
pushing minor fixes straight to master.

Hello Ekaterina,

I understand that it is better NOT to push the gnome-user-docs branch
if I have changed .page files. Instead, I will attach the .page file
(or part of it?) to a Bugzilla report (is that what you mean by
"attaching a patch to Bugzilla?). I do not know how I can push a
branch for review.

A patch is a representation of the minimal changes between your file(s)
and the one(s) in the repository. It allows people to focus only in the
changes, rather than looking through a whole file. With a little bit of
practice, you will get used to and you will find it handy (welcome to
the matrix! ;-)

That said, you may want to take a look at:

I am currently trying to find out how things work. And I fully 
understand that you will only allow me to push minor fixes straight
to master after I have proven I can do it right. I will go through
the buglist to see if I can fix some of them and send my changes, if
any, to Bugzilla.

Another resource (perhaps not as detailed as you are asking) is:

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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