Re: More... links in Mallard

On Sat, 2010-01-23 at 18:41 +0100, Milo Casagrande wrote:
> Hi Phill,
> 2010/1/23 Phil Bull <philbull gmail com>:
> >
> > The two ways I've tried so far aren't very satisfactory. One is to add a
> > link going to the main guide page alongside the other links. The problem
> > is, you need to manually put it in the right order (preferably at the
> > end of the section). This feels clumsy.
> >
> > The other way is to add some text with a link into each section on the
> > front page. The problem with this is that the link is at the top rather
> > than the bottom, and is a static rather than dynamic link.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> Can you do something like this:
> <!-- This is the -->
> <section id="blah" style="2column">
>  <title>Blah Topics</title>
>  <section>
>   <p><link type="guide" xref="PUT_ID_OF_PAGE">More...</link></p>
>  </section>
> </section>
> The problem with this is that you get a small section with its top
> small-grey line (the one under the title), and is a little bit
> indented. But it will stay at the bottom of your section.
> Maybe it is possible to add a style to the section that will not have
> the small grey-line at the top if the title is not there...

It's also not a valid Mallard page.  Sections are required to
have an id attribute and a title element.  Yelp is forgiving,
partly because it takes more effort (and more CPU time) to
enforce validity.

Phil, what did you use to manually order the links?  I think
I'd try using link groups like this:

<page id="index" type="guide" groups="#default more">

Then the "More" page has this:

<link type="guide" xref="index" group="more"/>

All the other links go in #default by, um, default.

And rather than doing it right on the page, you have a section
for each category, and each of those has a more link using the
more group for that section.

I actually considered adding a link type for exactly this, but
I didn't want to put in something half-assed without concrete
use cases.  Could you mock something up in HTML so I can get
a better sense of what you're after?


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