Re: Bootstrapping tutorial

Also, I don't want to over-commit & then promise something I won't have
time to deliver... which is, I'm afraid, the situation I'm in with this.


Johannes Schmid wrote:
> Hi!
>> I wouldn't know how (seriously!) I guess git clone + "learn some subset
>> of docbook" is a start. But there again... that's a higher barrier than
>> I'd like to have. How about if I propose a patch to the text, and
>> someone (you?) does the docbook stuff?
> No docbook anymore. See - it's really a super easy
> mockup, probably easier than wiki hacks.
>> I'm perfectly happy to point people to the wiki as a way to draft docs,
>> and then have them migrate to, but being able to easily
>> update docs & get first contributions in the wiki is a powerful feature.
>> Not everyone has a commit bit to GNOME GIT :)
> Patches against git are welcome - no commit access required. The
> workflow isn't really difficult at all (and probably explained in
> various places).
> Regards,
> Johannes

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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