Re: customization stylesheet errors

On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 02:25:39PM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
> / Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com> was heard to say:
> | [ Hi Norm, the 1.48 stylesheet broke Gnome XSLT customization layers.
> |   Seems we need some information about what constitutes the "stable"
> |   API part of those stylesheets, Daniel ]
> Yeah. You've raised an issue I haven't tried to deal with. Something
> needs to be done, but I'm not exactly sure what...suggestions welcome.

  I don't know the stylesheets well enough to get anything specific but:
     - the list of global parameters
     - a subset of the templates, which then can be safely overriden
       knowing they will be called by normal processing. Examples
       are for example the TOC build, the chunking template entry points
       and probably one per-element template

  sorry for not being more specific, people from the Gnome doc list have
probably very precise examples in mind :-)


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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