Re: web control applet draft, question

If we agree that the primary purpose of our docs are to help people learn
GNOME (instead of showcasing or looking pretty) and that having uniform
screenshot appearance using the default configurations of most people will
keep people from getting confused, we just need to predict/know what most
people will have as their default setup.

ie. Personal preferences on favorite or best looking window managers or
themes are irrelevant here.

Since Red Hat seems to have the lions share of Linux/GNOME users, we would
probably target the largest audience by choosing the default window
manager/theme that Red Hat will be using in the future with GNOME.

Anybody know what that will be for 6.2 and 7.0?

I think David's guidelines to aim for 7.0 should take precident here, if
6.2 and 7.0 are different.  Otherwise we'll have to replace all our
screenshots in a few months.


> > This also gets into the debate of what the default window manager
> > should be... (sawmill). :)
> Well, when I first did the User's Guide I wanted to have different wm
> styles to 'showcase' the fact that you can have different wm's. I then
> decided it was a bad idea and used the E Big Clean theme as it was
> default on RH, the only one to ship GNOME with a default wm at the
> time... and my employer.
> Now, I don't know. 
> I agree with you that this (once again) brings up the problems posed
> by *not* having a default wm. I would personally vote for using the
> default theme for sawmill as it is:
> a) the smallest gnome-compliant wm to grab 
> b) the easiest gnome-compliant wm to configure 
> c) the best wm to work with gnome
> All, of course, in my opinion. I think we will see more of sawmill in
> the future and perhaps we should suggest(again) for gnome to have a
> default wm on the ftp site.
> Dave

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