Re: Nautilus as help browser - first impressions.

* David C. Mason ( wrote at 05:59 on 25/08/00:
> Alexander Kirillov <> writes:
> > Something is wrong with your docbook tools. On my system, db2html
> > supports &mdash; and &hellip; (producing &#8212; and   &#8230;
> > respectively in html output - I am not sure what these codes are, but
> > they render as dash and ellipsis, as expected, in Netscape). Anyway,
> > I do not care if jade supports them - we need them in docs, and if
> > possible at all, I'd like to have them supported. This is a *top
> > priority* for me as doc writer. 
> Yes this indeed should be supported. The numeric codes generated
> (Unicode) can sometimes be killed off if you use HTMLtidy to clean up
> your HTML (this has happened to more than one person) so if you use
> tidy, make sure you add the -numeric arg to the command so it keeps
> all Numeric entities numeric.
> Jade isn't the problem in respect to entities (usually). Your dsssl
> could be screwed up, but more likely, your catalog file may not be
> calling the ISO files correctly, as well as the tidy problem I
> mentioned above. Still it is your problem, as I know Mozilla and
> Netscape support most entities. I don't know about gtkhtml.

No - my problem is that db2html does not produce the entities at all - it is
not a 'rendering' problem. I do not use tidy.

It does seem that my dsssl and/or ISO files are screwed. I always get a bit of
'error' messages when using db2html. Part of these error messages are
regarding the Russian dsl or something (and I think there are some error
messages in between regarding entities).

Anyway - can somebody point me to information on how I can install the
documentation (I want to try re-installing). This is what I currently have:

I also have the following GNOME DTD Docbook PNG variant v1.0 installed


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