Re: incremental lexing


Mark Slicker wrote:

> Yes, that is correct. I think I might pick up the project soon again,
> once I get my net connection back. To any interested people, please
> contact me.

I'm interested in helping all I can. At the moment I'm a little bogged down 
in another project but I've just sent Tim A. Wagner's paper "Practical 
Algorithms for Incremental Software Development Environments" to the 
printer so that should make good bedtime reading :)

> My reason for halting development was that I learned of planned release of
> Harmonia for around Novemeber/December so I thought I would wait and see
> what they did on many issues I hadn't resolved yet. Now a release for
> Harmonia apears indefinite and I still wanted to have a gpf-like library
> at hand so I think I will continue.
> Also if any from the Harmonia project is listening, since your project is 
> intended for open-source use, I think you could benefit from a more open
> development process. You could continue to work on research, but also you
> could see more applications of your framework, get bug fixes, and
> feedback. There are many great ideas in your project and I would like to
> see them put to use.

Yes, it's very regrettable that they havn't made any code available. I sent 
a mail to the head of faculty, Susan Graham but so far havn't received any 
reply. I read that Ensemble (Harmonia's predecessor) consisted of over 
300,000 lines of code so I would guess writing even just the incremental 
lexing part would be a mamoth task.

Assuming you do decide to resurrect gpf, could you consider moving it to 
SourceForge to open the development cycle up to others including myself. 
For that matter, would it be viable to move the whole gIDE project to SF 
following the demise of the old home page?

     Owen  Fraser-Green             "Hard work never killed anyone,
     owen discobabe net              but why give it a chance?"

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