Re: German PackageKit translation

Hendrik Brandt píše v Út 24. 06. 2008 v 20:18 +0200:
> Am 24. Jun 19:41, KW 26 um 19:41 schrieb Patrick Niklaus:
> > I updated the German translation of PackageKit. I'm not sure where to
> > send this, so I also cc'ed this to Richard Hughes.
> > There might be some rather rough translations, but overall it should
> > be pretty up-to-date.
> PackageKit is not a native GNOME project as it is not in GNOME's  
> Subversion repository (see, so we (the  
> German GNOME L10N-Team) are not responsible for managing the German  
> translation.

Wait wait, guys.

Patrick, you didn't update packagekit, but you updated
"gnome-packagekit". Those are two different packages, hence the
So the german translation team *IS* responsible for this.

Let's review the attached po file in a seperate email, un-CC'ing
hughsie, to not spam him with all those strange funny umlauts. ;-))


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