[Fwd: Pan 0.13.0's de.po]

Ich habe Charles schon geantwortet, dass wir dran arbeiten.

Wie sieht denn die Synchronisation der beiden Versionen aus?


-----Weitergeleitete Nachricht-----

> From: Charles Kerr <charles rebelbase com>
> To: Manuel Borchers <webmaster matronix de>, Christian Neumair <christian-neumair web de>
> Cc: pan rebelbase com
> Subject: Pan 0.13.0's de.po
> Date: 08 Aug 2002 12:52:17 -0700
> Hi,
> I'm one of the developers on the Gnome newsreader Pan, which is string
> frozen for 0.13.0.  This version finishes work on charset support for
> reading/posting in non-english groups like the de.* hierarchy, but our
> last German translator is not answering his mail, and the de.po file
> is only about 44% complete.
> I was wondering -- if you have the time -- if either of you are available
> to work on Pan's de.po?
> The gnome-i18n call for translations is archived at
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2002-August/msg00025.html
> Thanks for your time.
> cheers,
> Charles
webmaster matronix de
http://www.matronix.de - http://www.e-online.de/public/borchers


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