Re: EOG for GNOME 1.4 - use eog-0-6 branch

On 18 Feb 2001, Karl Eichwalder wrote:
> > Martin, maybe you can get "Neues _Fenster" to another Menu, like some
> > other apps do. Look at gnotepad+. There you'll find "New windows" in
> > the menu "Window". Maybe you can do something similiar. At a later
> > time you can extend the menu. For now it is just important that we
> > don't have any shortcut  collisions.
> It looks to me that your proposal is sane.  The comment clearly says
> "Create New _Window" belongs to the Window menu:
>     #.
>     #. * Window menu
>     #.
>     #: libgnomeui/gnome-app-helper.c:247
>     msgid "Create New _Window"
>     msgstr "Neues _Fenster"
> Our friends form the UI department have to decide whether it's okay to
> have this menu entry in the File menu, too.  Martin, why not just using
> "_New"?

I don't think this is the way to do it. Traditionally, the Window menu is
for *switching* between already existant windows, and only that. The File
menu is where all creating of new stuff, closing existing stuff, saving
and opening goes.
Take a look at other apps. Where will you find the "new window" option in
most cases? In the File menu. Moving it elsewhere is only confusing for users.

If you by "the UI department" mean people on gnome-gui-list gnome org,
this was the opinion from one of those people ;-)

I really think this is something that should be solved in the German
translation alone. You can use other key accelerators; it does not have to
be the initial letters in the words, for example. Using a letter in the
word gives you plenty of shortcut options.


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