Re: [gnome-db] Per-table meta-data with capital letters in the table

You added a section about SQL Identifiers that mentions quotes:

But I find this surprising, and I doubt that it's true:
Many people consider that using the quoted syntax should be avoided if
possible because:
- once an SQL identifier has been defined using the quoted syntax, it
must always be used quoted, which is error prone especially if external
tools are used on the database.

Not that my opinion matters, but to add my $.02, I would absolutely agree with this.. Nothing makes me more crazy than a tool creating a table in oracle that is mixed case or using a reserved word. I'm mostly a command line guy and having to quote for quote sake is a pain. I think it should follow suite to the rdms.. Sybase supports mixed case natively so qoutes aren't necessary and oracle isn't by default so its very awkward when introduced.

I think tools need to support the ability to do this, but not as default behavior.

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