Re: [gnome-db] Per-table meta-data with capital letters in the table name?

On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 19:20 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 17:55 +0200, Vivien Malerba wrote:
> > You won't be able to have at the same time a database abstraction
> > layer and use user input without any validation. For example if you
> > the user has a MyTable table name, then to use this table you _will_
> > at some point have to check if you need quotes or not yourself.
> I always use quotes. I don't need to check.

Vivien wrote:
> Anyway, I've committed to git master and LIBGDA_4.0 branches >
> corrections with documentation which explain the design choices that 
> were made.

Thanks for the recent fixes. Things seem to work now in Glom but I
wanted to check that we are really doing the right thing. I have some

You added a section about SQL Identifiers that mentions quotes:

But I find this surprising, and I doubt that it's true:
Many people consider that using the quoted syntax should be avoided if
possible because:
- once an SQL identifier has been defined using the quoted syntax, it
must always be used quoted, which is error prone especially if external
tools are used on the database.

The latest documentation is not online yet because it is not yet in a
tarball, so I can't link to it, but I've built it locally.

I still can't see anything in the gda_connection_update_meta_store() (or
anything linked from there) about whether or not we should use
gda_sql_identifier_add_quotes() for the "table_name" value in

The "Update the meta data about a table" section doesn't use
gda_sql_identifier_add_quotes(), though we now seem to need to use it in
libgdamm. Note that that section mentions a "Get information" section,
but there is no link.

In fact, I don't see any link from GdaMetaContext to a description of
possible values for the GdaMetaContext field structs, though the
gda_connection_update_meta_store() documentation mentios "_tables" and
"_columns" as possible values for GdaMetaContext::table_name.

The "database structure" section provides some hints, but the
documentation should explain how that maps to GdaMetaContext."

Maybe this should be bug reports instead.

murrayc murrayc com

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