Re: [gnome-db] Per-table meta-data with capital letters in the table

On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 21:35 -0600, Shawn Ferris wrote:
> Not that my opinion matters, but to add my $.02, I would absolutely  
> agree with this.. Nothing makes me more crazy than a tool creating a  
> table in oracle that is mixed case or using a reserved word.  I'm  
> mostly a command line guy and having to quote for quote sake is a  
> pain. I think it should follow suite to the rdms.. Sybase supports  
> mixed case natively so qoutes aren't necessary and oracle isn't by  
> default so its very awkward when introduced.
> I think tools need to support the ability to do this, but not as  
> default behavior.

Glom is for users who don't care about SQL. Also, users of raw SQL will
rarely want to use Glom's databases. I could prevent the user from using
uppercase and spaces in table names but it would just seem arbitrary and
unnecessarily techy, like requiring 8-character filenames.

If quotes really mean "I really mean this" (as I believe) then I would
expect well-written SQL to use them always, particularly if that SQL is

libgda generates SQL so it shouldn't require me to add quotes myself.

murrayc murrayc com

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