Re: [gnome-db] Prepared Statements

On Fri, 2003-04-18 at 22:30, xrcalvar igalia com wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2003 at 12:12:43PM +0200, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> > yeah, most of the providers still don't use the arguments passed to the
> > execute_command function. The thing is that the prepared statements
> > should be something internal to the providers. That is, it should not be
> > in the API, since I guess clients should not have to deal with that.
> > Instead, the provider, when it makes sense, it should use prepared
> > statements.
> 	When I said the it's supported by the API, it was because we have
> the parameters in execute_command . My idea is not create a new function
> to use prepared statements, it's to use the parameters, and this has to be
> internal to the providers.
ah, ok, then we agree :-)

> > yes, the problem is that we haven't come up with the final decision on
> > this. I guess using ':' is the best way, since it seems it could be used
> > for all providers. Then, internally, providers should use prepared
> > statements when there are arguments.
> 	Ok. Will it be implemented early?
it will be implemented when somebody implements it :-)

Since it's internal to providers, I guess this is a decision of each
provider's maintainer. Of course, I'd vote for using them whenever

>  My trouble is that I am going to
> make a speech in the university about libgda and I would like to talk
> about prepared statements. What's your opinion?
that, unless somebody comes up with a hyper-quick patch, I guess you'd
better be saying, in the talk, that "libgda makes it possible to
providers to use prepared statements", since that's all the support
we've got. :-)


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