Re: [gnome-db] refactoring completed

* [ Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
* Sun, 28 Apr 2002 13:44:06 +0200 ]
> hmm, Gonzalo started some work on a bison/lex-based parser, but he
> stopped because it causes many problems, specially that as soon as a
> syntax error is found, the whole parsing process stops, which may not
> fit our needs.

	Well, I started the bison lex parser for SQL99, but I'm sure it's
	easier to add support for new stuff since SQL92 to the one that
	Andrew already has.

> So Gonzalo was thinking on using a GScanner-based parser, which will
> allow us to know exactly where the syntax error is, thus being more
> powerful for our needs.

	Well, the flex/bison parser can tell where the error is and we
	can send a error to the caller. Also, if XQL does not check the
	syntax of the query, this check can be done converting it to

	The question is: do we want to be able to report an SQL syntax
	error before sending the query to the backend?

		* yes: then we need a bison/flex parser. As I said
		above, we can start using Andrew's and complete it to
		support SQL99.

		* no: we can do it with a lexer and some glue.

Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

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