Re: [gnome-db]Required packages [ Was:Problem running gnomedb-mgr]

>>I was unable to get the previous version of gnomedb-mgr to go,  but since they
>>released a new binary package I decided just to start over.
>what problems were you having? You must note that gnomedb-mgr is a
>component, so if you run it on the command line, nothing will appear. You need 
>to run the gnomedb-fe to load the manager on it.

My mistake, I must have misread the documentation.  With RPMs from the site mentioned below gnomedb-fe now starts and lets me define data sources.

>>Now this is a very current install (Ximian GNOME plus all the required upgrades
>>to run Nautilus).  Can anyone give me pointers where I can get these newer
>>versions?  I have been unable to locate them at ximian,easel, etc....
>have you looked at
>There are all the latest libgal and libgtkhtml versions for both 
>Debian and RPM-based systems.

Those solved the problem.  Thanks for the URL.

>>Is it possible that the easel RPM's are simply incompatible with gnomedb?
>I hope they're not. It seems to me that everything will be fixed when
>you install the latest libgal and libgtkhtml versions. If you've got any 
>more problem, please report it again to the list.

It all starts now.  But I have a couple of possible bugs:

1. I  can't seem to remove a date source,  clicking on the trash can with a database selected does nothing but deselect the database in the list.

2. Selecting the "Global" check box in the manager does nothing, as the box doesn't "stay clicked".  Running gnomedb-fe as non-root neither sees any data sources or permits them to be created.

Overall the architecture of gnomedb looks fascinating,  and I'm very interested in getting it running enough to try gasql and gnumeric.  I am preparing a technical presentation on data access with Linux that currently includes gnome-db and unixODBC.  As an administrator of IMAP, LDAP, PostgreSQL, and Informix servers hosted on Linux it seems that now that all those great data sources are available, we need some really slick way to get at their content.  You guys may have the winning card.

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