Re: BonoboZoomable and GtkScrolledWindow, BonoboUIEngine

> 	Ok - there is only 1 way it can work. You have to have the scrolled
> window on the BonoboControl side of the interface.
Wow! Does this mean I probably found a bug in GGV? It seems it does not
have scrolled window on the control side. Well, I have to check and
report this exactly...

> 	Why don't you want to use BonoboWindow ? it's as capable as any other
> window widget. There is some code that hooks the BonoboUIEngine code
> internally to do popups - see bonobo_control_popup etc. in
> bonobo-control.h.  What it does is not replicateable outside bonobo
> since the APIs used are deliberately not exported [yet].
Well, I really don't want to use the engine. But it seems BonoboWindow
is top-level window. And I want to embed GGV control into existing
capplet window. When I try to do it - I get some exception about adding
top window to my container (well, I can cite it exactly if you're
interested). So what would be the right thing here?



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