Re: a small summary.

Hi Dietmar,

> Sure, maybe there are some people using the OpenOffice API - but I cant
> understand why we should change our way to develop software. I simply
> don't want to do anything only because of some compatibility issues, or
> because some other none technical reasons. This is the big disadvantage
> of commercial software and I don't know why we should import that
> problems for free software.

Think about the year 2002 - about 2 years after the merger of BONOBO and 
OpenOffice APIs. 

OpenOffice, now with with 10 million lines of code, relies on BONOBO, 
another 10 million lines of code will be on top of it - all using BONOBO 

And now I quote you again:

> I simply don't want to do anything 
> only because of some compatibility issues

If your attitude were the one of the GNOME community, I would be damned 
stupid, if I would continue trying to make my vision of a unified API 
become true. I would sentence OpenOffice to death. I hope, most GNOME 
hackers care more about compatibility issues - I know, some do. Hard 
words, but true.

If never ever a computer hardware manufacturers dropped their proprietary 
slot systems, a simple ethernet adapter would still cost a $1000 ...


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