Re: a small summary.

"Michael Hoennig (mi)" wrote:

> And now to the core problem, which I mentioned before, but nobody gave
> even a single comment on it. If OpenOffice went for BONOBO, every change
> to BONOBO would directly affect OpenOffice - and probably again
> externals. If the BONOBO community does not care about such things, we
> simply cannot rely on BONOBO. This would mean, we had to keep our APIs
> separate - and the UNIX community has to continue to suffer from so many
> APIs (having in mind that it would only be a small step anyway - but at
> least a step in the right direction).

Although I can understand your situation I don't like your argumentation.
Sure, maybe there are some people using the OpenOffice API - but I cant
understand why we should change our way to develop software. I simply
don't want to do anything only because of some compatibility issues, or
because some other none technical reasons. This is the big disadvantage
of commercial software and I don't know why we should import that
problems for free software.

- Dietmar

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