Re: GStreamer per component virtual users

Am Sonntag, den 07.06.2009, 21:22 +0200 schrieb Filippo Argiolas:
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Andre Klapper<ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
> > If you want to use both Assignee *and* QA address for watching those
> > "users" you will lose watching when someone assigns a bug yo himselves
> > (and hence removes the default assignee from the bug).
> Well I could say that this would be the expected behavior: if someone
> assigns a bug to himself he's going to take care of it until it's
> resolved so there is no reason for the others to keep watching it and
> they can just CC themselves if still interested.

I disagree.
I want to watch a bug from when I decided to subscribe until its end. I
don't want to manually CC again just because someone starts working on
it. Without this manual CC'ing I would never receive an email when it
gets fixed.

When we talked on IRC I didn't realize that you do not automatically
watch users that are watched by users that you watch, but Olav is of
course right and now that I think about it it makes sense - otherwise
this would trigger huge amounts of mail (and loops).

Gstreamer: So either everything remains as it is, or virtual users are
created for each component and set as default QA contact, and every real
person has to add all those virtual users to their watchlist if
interested in watching the entire Gstreamer product.

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