Re: GStreamer per component virtual users

Am Samstag, den 06.06.2009, 16:23 +0200 schrieb Filippo Argiolas:
> > You mean you want the default assignee and QA person to be different
> > dummy addresses (mailing list and @gnome.bugs)? Then nobody can assign
> > something to themselves anymore.
> I'm not sure I'm following you, I've looked into bugzilla docs (both
> current and 2.x versions) and there is no place where it says Default
> Assignee and QA should be the same.

This has nothing to do with technical docs.
This is about workflows that are (more or less) defined in a project.

>  How would it prevent anyone to
> reassign the bug to another user (themself or someone else)?

If you want to use both Assignee *and* QA address for watching those
"users" you will lose watching when someone assigns a bug yo himselves
(and hence removes the default assignee from the bug).

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