Re: adding dups reporters to recipients

On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 10:15, Mustafa Ozturk wrote:
> I am new to all this.
> I added a bug (111153) which is appearantly a duplicate of another bug,
> which I couldn't find in bugzilla.  So for me an auto cc feature would be
> useful.

Yes, but your bug has not been closed.  (I just took a look)  Kjartan
merely stated that he had seen a previous bug report about the same
issue.  So an auto cc feature would be irrelevant to how your bug is
handled anyway--it would only be relevant if Kjartan had really marked
your bug as a duplicate of another.  But, if he had done that, it would
be easy for you to find the other bug.

Hope this helps,

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