Re: Bugzilla keywords [and bug day]

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 21:44, John Fleck wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 19:26, Dave Fallon wrote:
> > 
> > Sniff... no more louie.
> > 
> > Anyways, some discussion on the post-louie bug era. In particular, it seems to be necessary 
> (and good) to have someone who goes "this is important for a release, and worth not punting", 
> and being able to enforce that. This requires two things: someone with a crapload of free time,
>  and the ability to (by hook or crook) get developers to fix bugs they otherwise wouldn't. Has 
> there been a decision on who this person will be yet? And if so, what can we do to help the
> second part of the requirements? The reason I think it's an issue is because all the breakup of
>  bugs we do between versions becomes pretty irrelevant if we just fix a random subset of bugs 
> each release. Louie's deep connections with the community (and employment at a company where he 
> can walk over and poke developers) has helped that a lot, and I fear whoever steps in his shoes
> will face some challenges getting to the same level of acceptance. Or am I totally off base?
> > 
> It'll be hard to find people who are as good as Louie at being a total
> prick about this stuff. :-)

I'll take that as a compliment ;) 

> I would expect that without a full-time Louie-like person, it may well
> devolve to a team, with individuals responsible for each package. I'll
> analogize to the docs team, which has[1] one person assigned the herding
> responsibility for each package. In the bug-squad case, that person
> would work with the maintainer's blessing in trying to make those
> decisions, then help communicate uphill toward the release team about
> the status. Would it be reasonable post-Louie to formalize some sort of
> system along these lines?

This is definitely what I feel we have to do. 

Docs team has this:

Andrew has proposed something like this:

I think that's where the future lies. If Ximian, Sun, and RH want to
pitch in to hire someone as a replacement for me (or hire me ;) that
would be wonderful, but... I don't think that's going to happen so we
need to plan along the lines John is talking about.


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