Re: Bugzilla keywords [and bug day]

On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 04:30:59PM -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 15:12, Andrew Sobala wrote:
> > -> Eventually (== ~1.5 months), if we're aiming to take some of the work
> > off Luis and in preparation for when he's not actually there, maybe we
> > should have a "bug-squad-thinks-this-should-be-2.2.0-luis-please-review"
> > keyword. Maybe a little shorter :-)
> Hrm, maybe a good idea- though not luis-specific- more like a 'bug team
> needs to think about this together' thing. My voice as a member of the
> team might just get a bit more attention paid for a bit ;) 

Sniff... no more louie.

Anyways, some discussion on the post-louie bug era. In particular, it seems to be necessary (and good) to have someone who goes "this is important for a release, and worth not punting", and being able to enforce that. This requires two things: someone with a crapload of free time, and the ability to (by hook or crook) get developers to fix bugs they otherwise wouldn't. Has there been a decision on who this person will be yet? And if so, what can we do to help the second part of the requirements? The reason I think it's an issue is because all the breakup of bugs we do between versions becomes pretty irrelevant if we just fix a random subset of bugs each release. Louie's deep connections with the community (and employment at a company where he can walk over and poke developers) has helped that a lot, and I fear whoever steps in his shoes will face some challenges getting to the same level of acceptance. Or am I totally off base?


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