Re: bugsquad guidelines

On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 10:00, Andrew Sobala wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 12:21, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > I was thinking earlier today that there is enough collected wisdom in
> > the archives of this list that we just about need to write up a document
> > collating it all. So not just common bug-reports stuff, but the various
> > keyword meanings (including bug_squad), etc. We are starting to have a
> > learning curve for the bug busting business.
> > 
> > [And, no, Telsa and Luis and any other funny guys... the correct
> > response is not "well, off you go then". :-) ]
> > 
> In a very real sense it is :-)
> I've attached some quick guidelines I just wrote. They really need
> input, someone to flesh them out so they're readable, corrections, and
> bits that I missed, but as a starting point they're probably OK.

They're a great starting point. I'd love to have someone 'new' to this
flesh them out instead of myself, since I probably make way too many
assumptions about things. But I'll attach my 'commented' version.

> The real problem is trying to describe general rules for categories of
> bugs when they all differ :-)

:) Experience and patience are the only solutions for this problem, I'm

> BTW: I've been thinking about "Urgent" priority. Maybe bugs that block
> use of GNOME (eg. login hangs for everyone), or "Panel/Nautilus crashes
> at startup every time" etc. should be urgent. ?

Definitely sounds like what I'd use it for- does this not sound like
something covered under the current definitions?

Anyway, my comments attached. Andrew, Anschwin, David- if one of you
'newcomers' wants to flesh this out a bit, provide some intro/context or
whatever, please, please do- I'll get it up on the site quickly.

| Luis's comments preceded by |

New bugs

-- Always set a GNOVER keyword. If you don't know what version, ask the reporter.
-- If it's GNOVER2.0 and reproducable in 2.1, set both keywords.
-- When triaging, take into account:
---- Visibility
---- How often this feature is used
---- Is this very specific to an uncommon OS feature or setting?

| If it is, make sure to set the OS field.

---- Does this make GNOME totally unusable?

| Additionally, /always/ explain _why_ you've triaged something the way you have. That way if
| people disagree with your triage they can try to point out specific things you may have
| missed or misunderstood. BTW, saying 'I'm not sure- this feels borderline between X and Y
| to me, please feel free to persuade me otherwise' is a very, very acceptable triage comment.

-- Other important keywords: accessibility, usability, keynav (also add accessibility to keynav issues), doc, string (string changes), PATCH (QAs should watch for patches coming into their bugmail and viciously add this keyword), multihead.
-- If you've actually _read_ the HIG, add this keyword to bugs about HIG-violation. If you haven't, don't bother.

| Please don't let usability and HIG get misused- 'I think this feature would be cool' is not
| usability. 

-- All the stuff in b.g.o/triage.cgi
-- If you think it's triaged correctly, add bugsquad. If you are doubtful, Cc+=you, say you've attempted to triage it, and watch for someone else to add bugsquad and what other changes they make. If you add a comment they may even explain why they think what they think.

| If you're doubtful, email bugsquad or ask in IRC- there aren't enough of us going around at
| this time to make 'add a comment and wait for someone else to triage it' a very effective
| strategy.

-- #FIXME: I18N, L11N: What's the difference?

| Kjartan has provided better definitions of these now- are they clear enough to you, Andrew?
| Note that in many cases bugs are both.

-- Immediately Critical+High

| There are one or two exceptions to this; the big one is that people using gentoo and LFS
| often create useless stack traces because of the brokenness of their own systems. If you
| see them, close them INVALID.

-- simple-dup-finder.cgi
-- Put crashing function in square brackets in the description if it is a new one
---- This normally involves skipping through g_* and gtk_* and grabbing first application-specific frame
-- I always confirm a bug with a stack trace. Because, for some reason, it really crashed.

| This is absolutely the correct thing to do. Note that most things should be confirmable
| immediately- either as 'new' or as 'needinfo'. 

Feature requests
-- Almost always Enhancement+Normal
-- If it's a fringe usability issue, Cc+=usability-maint gnome org and add a wordy comment like "Thoughts, usability?"

| You might want to be /slightly/ more verbose than that ;) 

Something not working as expected
-- Generally Normal+Normal
-- If it's totally broken, Major+Normal.
-- Would GNOME suck badly if we shipped another version without this? If so, Priority=High.

String moans
-- Trivial, string keyword.

Accessibility issues
-- Are not trivial! Put as Severity=Normal, at least in the general case.

| Or even major, depending. The important thing with accessibility is the keyword, more so
| than the severity/priority, since it often takes more skilled assessment and fixing than we
| can provide.

People moaning about the button order
-- Tell them our designated decision making forum for this is (Some mailing lists may appreciate their input, but most are sick to death of the topic. Usability may be interested if there is a good usability reason other than "I want it to be like Windows/KDE", but otherwise NOTABUG.)

Memory leaks (don't get many of these reported)
-- Should theoretically be Critical+Normal
-- Can be bumped down to Major+Normal in applications that don't get run all the time. So in gnome-search-tool, memory leaks aren't so important, but in gnome-settings-daemon or nautilus they are.

-- Are just like any other bugs - and they often don't search for dups or correctly set priority just like all the other bug reporters
-- Can be Sun-specific. If they are talking about something that sounds totally alien, ask them.
-- Can often be multihead. Remember to set the multihead keyword if they are.

| Note that sun and wipro QA is 'professional'- that means you can hold them to a higher
| standard. :)

Bugzilla crack
-- screenshot keyword is not really used by anyone and can probably be removed...

| It's sort of used by gtk. That said, I've cleaned out some other unused ones.

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