2008-February Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
GARNOME 2.22.0 Release Candidate (2.21.92) -- "real life",
Karsten =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Br=E4ckelmann?=
GNOME Commander 1.2.5 released,
Piotr Eljasiak
GNOME Scan 0.5.94,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C9tienne?= Bersac
cairo snapshot 1.5.12 now available,
Carl Worth
Tinymail pre-release v0.0.8 - E-mail library,
Sergio Villar Senin
GNOME 2.22.0 Release Candidate (2.21.92) Released!,
Vincent Untz
[ANNOUNCE] Tracker 0.6.5,
Jamie McCracken
metacity 2.21.21,
Thomas Thurman
Gnome Scan 0.5.93,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C9tienne?= Bersac
gnome-pilot and gnome-pilot-conduits 2.0.16,
Matt Davey
ANNOUNCE: java-access-bridge 1.22.0,
Jeff Cai
metacity 2.23.0,
Thomas Thurman
ANNOUNCE: gnome-menus 2.21.92 release,
Olav Vitters
ANNOUNCE: gnome-panel 2.21.92 goodness,
Olav Vitters
gnome-control-center 2.21.92 released,
Thomas Wood
gnome-games 2.21.92 released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
cheese 2.21.92,
daniel g. siegel
Announce: Anjuta DevStudio 2.3.5 - Tornado (unstable) -- released!,
Naba Kumar
Accerciser 1.1.92 released,
Eitan Isaacson
Zenity 2.21.1 - Hello,
Lucas Rocha
Eye of GNOME 2.21.92,
Lucas Rocha
GLib 2.15.6 released,
Matthias Clasen
Announcing Orca v2.21.92,
Willie Walker
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.9.7 Released,
Boyd Timothy
Announce: gnome-build 0.2.3 released,
Naba Kumar
Announce: gdl 0.7.10 released,
Naba Kumar
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.15.6,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: at-spi 1.21.92,
Li Yuan
ANNOUNCE: atk 1.21.92,
Li Yuan
Announce: Linux Desktop (GUI Application) Testing Project - LDTP 1.0.0 release,
Nagappan A
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse 2.21.92,
Stef Walter
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.21.92,
Stef Walter
ANNOUNCE: mousetweaks 2.21.92,
Gerd Kohlberger
swfdec-gnome 2.21.91 released,
Benjamin Otte
Gnome Scan 0.5.92,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C9tienne?= Bersac
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool v5.21.92 (stable).,
Rich Burridge
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.21.92,
Torsten Schoenfeld
Alexandria 0.6.3 released,
Joseph Method
ANNOUNCE: cluttermm 0.5.0,
Murray Cumming
cairo snapshot 1.5.10 now available,
Carl Worth
Swfdec 0.6.0 released,
Benjamin Otte
ANNOUNCE: Hipo "One Love" 0.6,
[ANNOUNCE] Clutter-Perl released,
Emmanuele Bassi
[ANNOUNCE] PyClutter 0.6.0 released,
Emmanuele Bassi
[ANNOUNCE] Clutter 0.6.0 (core),
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCE: Conduit 0.3.8,
John Stowers
Alacarte 0.11.4,
Travis Watkins
Gnome Hearts 0.2.1 Release Announcement,
Sander Marechal
GARNOME 2.21.91 -- "No space left on device",
Karsten =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Br=E4ckelmann?=
GNOME Power Manager 2.21.92,
Richard Hughes
nemo 0.2.1 released,
Anders Rune Jensen
MonoDevelop 1.0 RC1 released,
Lluis Sanchez
ANNOUNCE: Conduit 0.3.7,
John Stowers
GNOME 2.21.91 Released!,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fr=E9d=E9ric?= Crozat
GTK+ 2.12.8 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.21.91,
Torsten Schoenfeld
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.15.5,
Murray Cumming
Evince 2.21.91 released,
Nickolay V. Shmyrev
gnome-games 2.21.91 released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.9.6 Released,
Boyd Timothy
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.21.91,
Stef Walter
GLib 2.15.5,
Matthias Clasen
Eye of GNOME 2.21.90,
Felix Riemann
Deskbar-Applet 2.21.91 released,
Announcing Orca v2.21.91,
Willie Walker
Announce: gnome-build 0.2.2 released,
Naba Kumar
Announce: gdl 0.7.9 released,
Naba Kumar
cheese 2.21.91,
daniel g. siegel
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool v5.21.91 (stable).,
Rich Burridge
[ANNOUNCE] PyClutter 0.5.2,
Emmanuele Bassi
[ANNOUNCE] Clutter 0.5.6 (core),
Emmanuele Bassi
gnome-settings-daemon 2.21.91 released,
Rodrigo Moya
[ANNOUNCE] mousetweaks 2.21.91,
Francesco Fumanti
gnome-applets 2.21.91,
Callum McKenzie
Accerciser 1.1.91 released,
Eitan Isaacson
Announce: Anjuta DevStudio 2.3.4 - Tornado (unstable) -- released!,
Naba Kumar
ANNOUNCE: mousetweaks 2.21.91,
Gerd Kohlberger
ANNOUNCE: Empathy 0.21.90,
Xavier Claessens
Gnome-schedule 2.0.2,
Gaute Hope
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.15.4,
Murray Cumming
Devhelp 0.19 released,
Richard Hult
GLib 2.14.6 released,
Matthias Clasen
Hotwire 0.710 now available,
Colin Walters
metacity 2.21.8,
Thomas Thurman
gnome-games 2.21.90 released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
[ANNOUNCE] Pygtksourceview-2.1.1,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
GNet 2.0.8 released,
Tim =?ISO-8859-1?Q?M=FCller?=
ANNOUNCE: gnubiff 2.2.9 released,
Robert Sowada
Gnome-schedule 2.0.1,
Gaute Hope
ANNOUNCE: Beagle 0.3.3,
D Bera
ANNOUNCE: kiwi 1.9.20,
Mail converted by MHonArc