Hotwire 0.710 now available

Hello world,

Hotwire 0.710 is available. This is primarily a followup release to
0.700, see below for the details.  Notably for packagers this one
removes a file with a syntax error.

Special thanks in particular to Zeng.Shixin for his patient help and
patches in dealing with the non-UTF8 support in this release.

* Website:
* Source Download links:
* Changes:

* What is Hotwire:
Hotwire is an object-oriented hypershell. It is a shell designed for
systems programming (files, processes), and thus it is in the same
conceptual category of software as the Unix shell+terminal and Windows
PowerShell.  The goal of the Hotwire project though is to create a
better systems programming shell than both Unix and PowerShell. We
call it a hyper-shell because Hotwire blends the concepts of a
systems-oriented shell with a modern graphical user interface display.

* Changes copy/paste from wiki:

Visible Changes:

    * Internal line processing includes newlines ( issue 111 )
    * Import ~/.bash_history (TiagoMatos)
    * Non-UTF8 locale handling (cgwalters, Zeng.Shixin,  issue 125 ,
issue 133 )
    * Sorting on file renderer (schroed,  issue 119 )
    * Open action now works on Windows (Zeng.Shixin)
    * New apply builtin ( issue 80 )
    * New view builtin which launches editor in read-only mode
    * kill now optionally takes Process objects as input
    * rm has new --unlink option to really delete
    * more is now aliased to term -w more by default to avoid
vanishing on small files
    * Completions popup only appears when it has something to show ( issue 135 )
    * Hotwire Edit gains line numbers, goto line functionality

Notable Bugfixes:

    * HotSSH keybinding and focus issues fixed
    * Various Windows bugfixes (Zeng.Shixin, cgwalters)
    * Symbolic links handled better (schroed,  issue 120 ,  issue 121 )
    * Don't error if process ends while input is open
    * Avoid lockup if completion throws an error (e.g. permission
denied on directory)
    * History is saved asynchronously for improved interactivity
during heavy disk I/O ( issue 88 )

API Changes:

    * You should now register custom builtins using the register_user
function of BuiltinRegistry. Builtins shipped with the operating
system can use register_system.

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