Re: Anyone successfully using Gaim?

Hi Lorenzo:

Since we have a difference in our experiences with what Orca is doing, I
think we need to dig deeper and look at more specific things.  This
might be a Debian oddity, or we might be looking at two completely
different windows.  Can you tell me exactly the window you're working in
with GAIM?  Is it the main buddy list?  Is it a different list (i.e.,
the list of folks in an IRC chat room)?  In addition, which version of
Orca are you using?

Finally, I highly recommend taking this discussion to the orca-list
mailing list.  It's where Orca users hang out and I'd like for its
archives to be a good spot for people to search for information:



On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 00:21 -0400, Lorenzo Taylor wrote:
> My buddy list isn't empty, since I can hear people logging on and off,
> and LSR is able to read it.
> Debian just upgraded my Gaim to version 1:2.0.0+beta4-2.  Not sure if
> that's similar to your 2.0.0beta3, but looks like it may be a later
> version.  It has the same problem of not being readable with Orca,
> either with the arrows or the flat review keys.  Note that conversation
> windows, menus in the buddy list and all other windows, and all other pop-up windows are all
> readable, just not the buddy list itself.  I have even tried setting the
> table mode to read individual cells with no luck.
> Several questions arrise.  Is it better to compile Gaim from source?
> Would this solve the problem possibly?  How about gtk accessibility
> modules?  I read somewhere that there is an old way of setting some
> Gail accessibility module using an environment variable.  Could this be
> necessary for Gaim?  Is Orca or Gaim or both patched in some way in
> Ubuntu Edgy that makes it work better than Debian Gaim and source Orca?
> Could it be something with the accessibility libraries themselves?  They
> are from Debian unstable and experimental.  I can provide versions if
> necessary, I just need to know the packages to check.
> Thanks much,
> Lorenzo

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