Re: yelp

On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 16:52, Calum Benson wrote:

> It does look cool, but using a large banner image like you have there
> could be a potential issue, unless it was themable.  The other icons
> you're using would probably need to be themable too (does icon theming
> even work within a gtkhtml page?), otherwise the 'arrows' in particular
> wouldn't show up in the inverse themes.

If images are a problem, I guess it would make sense to have a special
plaintext version of the help pages. It's hard to make things pretty
without images.

I would think a nice little toggle button at the corner of the
document/yelp could toggle plaintext (themeable) and fancy full-graphics
mode for the pretty looks.

My goal is to make it pretty, I doubt it can be prettier that the
current incarnation without using some graphics.

Jakub Steiner <jimmac ximian com>

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