Re: [g-a-devel] [Fwd: AccessX - ignoring the state of NumLock key]

Hi Guys:

Whatever the situation here, it's likely to be the Xkb extension itself that's responsible for the behavior. The desktop/gnome MouseKeys code doesn't touch anything to do with the NumLock state, to the best of my knowledge.
It's _possible_ that the NumLock behavior is configurable somehow (i.e. 
ignore NumLock or don't ignore), but I am not sure.  It should be in the 
XKB manual: (chapter 10 deals with AccessX).  My reading of section 10.5 
implies that the MouseKeys actions are bound to certain keys via the 
keymap, so it may be that one or more of the keymaps in question is 
binding the mousekeys actions to too many states (in other words, the 
problem may be either in XKB or in the key maps themselves, but it is 
probably not in the desktop software):



Peter Korn wrote:

Reposting from desktop-devel, as the folks here are much more likely to know the answer...


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.


AccessX - ignoring the state of NumLock key
Ali Sobhi <sobhi us ibm com>
Sun, 17 Sep 2006 14:33:23 -0500
desktop-devel-list gnome org

desktop-devel-list gnome org

I have noticed that which working with "MouseKeys" = on, the state of "NumLock" is ignored. the Keypad keys operate on pointer movement and perform the click, drag and double-click regardless of the
state of NumLock. This is contrary to Windows.

I was under impression that MouseKeys option should allow the selection of NumLock state in which the Mousekeys are used for Pointer / Mouse control and in the opposite state, the keypad can be used for its numerical entry task.
Is this is an overlooked feature?


Ali Sobhi
Sr. Consultant - IBM Research
Human Ability and Accessibility Center
512-823-0064 (T/L 793)              sobhi us ibm com
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