[Glade-devel] Glade: toplevel widget embedding

Naba Kumar wrote:

That is a good start. What's more useful would be to create the
GladeDesignLayout for each toplevel (notified in some way through the
GladeProject object). That way, the user can have any such layouts
opened and the IDE can put them in some suitable way (notebook being the
very basic one).

Maybe we can do both ?

    GladeDesignLayout - a GtkBin that holds a toplevel

    GladeProjectLayout - an optional convenience widget
       that subscribes to a project and always displays the toplevel
       containing the currently selected widget in that project

We could use the GladeProjectLayout to simplify the Glade frontend
and anjuta and other ide's can use it if they so desire.

I presume, the rest of the glade components (in particular; windows list
and widget tree) are going to be shared. If that is the case, glade can
internally switch their context (project) whenever user change focus on
the GladeDesignLayout.

Or more interestingly, those two views can have multiviews showing
multiple trees/lists in the same view corresponding to the each project
(separated by a fine line, between them).

Now that would be cool :).

Maybe if the project view were just a simple treeview widget
derivative - you could use one for each project and add them to
a scrolled window yourself and add the separators yourself too ?

I think we're aiming for something where you are free to use gladeui
"view" widgets how you want and set them to the widget/project of your 


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