Code generation in Glade3(was Re: [Glade-devel] libglade usage)

Yes! I believe that was the one. :-)


James Henstridge <james daa com au> writes:

On 12/01/04 23:16, bighead users sourceforge net wrote:

Glade3 will not have source code generation builtin. Those who want that must
start the process of reviving old code generation projects for their
favourite languages (C, C++, Perl, Ruby, Java, Python).

There was an external glade1 code generator available, which I ported
to the glade 2 file format a while back and dumped in CVS as glade2c.
If anyone really finds C code generation useful, it would be a good
base to start with.

The fact that no one has worked on it since probably indicates that no
one values the feature that much ...


Email: james daa com au

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