[Glade-devel] libglade usage

On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Ishan Chattopadhyaya wrote:

Dragon master wrote:
I've seen entirely too many suggestions on this list along the lines of "I
don't use that feature so delete it."  Consider for a moment that Glade is
a tool used by many different people, representing numerous different
styles and techniques, and stop advocating removing features you don't
personally use.

There are multiple ways of doing most things.  Anybody who uses any flavor
of UNIX should know this.  Nor is the blind spot restricted to UNIX users.
People complain that certain Microsoft products have too many ways of
accomplishing things, and they're ignoring this principle as well.
Different people think differently and your applications should take this
into account, not merely at the developer level, but right out to the
Just a thought... did you mean removing *source code generation* in Glade-3
by this?

The thought had crossed my mind.  Removing it from the core of the
application is a good rearchitecting decision, but I don't entirely
approve of "code generation is evil, don't do it" mantra chanting.  If
there's something wrong with the code it generates, fix it, don't delete
the generator.  There's ALWAYS something wrong with the generated code.
What is gcc besides a giant (machine) code generator?  I don't think you
can find anybody who will try to claim gcc-generated code is always
perfect.  The imperfection of machine-generated code is hardly sufficient
grounds for eradicating it.  I don't consider the development cycle or
overwrite error arguments sufficient either.  All three arguments apply to
specific circumstances and none of them apply to all circumstances.


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